Welcome in DIMIC

Our credo, Building a better world

A variety of services in the construction industry

Modern achievements

About Decipher In Maestria Ingénierie Civil

Company whose core business is construction

DIMIC (Decipher In Maestria Civil Engineering) is a company created in 2013, with a capital of 50,000,000 FCFA whose core business is construction and head office at the TSIMI-Nkolbisson Crossroads. As a subsidiary of the DIMIC Group, it operates mainly on the domestic market with long-term objectives of being present at the sub-regional level. Building a better world is our credo to guarantee you a quality service in order to ...

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Our Strengths

A wide range of services offered to private clients and state organization

The in-depth knowledge of our trades, the construction industry and the specific problems that surround it.

A competent and dynamic team

Rigour and method, sense of organization and time management

Availability Saturday, Sundays and holidays by appointment

Our partnership

National and international partners, they trust us